Jahreskongress DGsP e.V. “Ich scheine ein Verb zu sein”, Siedelsbrunn, Wald-Michel- bach, Germany
Background of this work is an installation from 2013, based on a quite personal story.
In the work “Das Gewicht der Wörter – Version 2“ I took over the concept of the physical experience of words, sentences and emotions. In context with the yearly congress of the DGsP (Deutschen Gesellschaft für systemische Pädagogik), I invited the participants to sit down at the table or to walk around it – to think and intuitively pick a word or a sentence that then could be written down on one of the dif ferent wooden blocks.
During the time of the congress emerged a sort of relief of very personal, associated feelings and thoughts. Through the act of writing down and sharing those words they became physically experienceable.
The words became part of a larger whole, a sculpture that emerged from many small ones. By sublimating the words and thoughts a great collaborative work has been created, which should continue to invite people to participate, as an active designer or even just as a viewer.