“Prospects&Concepts” at Art Rotterdam
February 2019 the Mondriaan Fund organized the seventh edition of the annual exhibition Prospects & Concepts during the international art fair Art Rotterdam at the Van Nelle Fabriek. The exhibition presents work by 67 visual artists who received a Stipendium for Emerging Artists in 2017 in order to start their careers. For this edition, the Mondriaan Fund invited Macha Roesink to curate the exhibition.
“Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away.” ― Sarah Kay
The installation is the reflection of my sea – my „inner ocean“. The more so, as the installation is also an invitation to you, as an observer, to meet your „inner sea“, to make your own experience. My sculptures may invite you to experience more then just observing them. What is your „inner sea“? My inner sea: a place of movement and rhythm, of peace and stillness; a carrier for overwhelming emotions: joy, fear, pleasure, doubt, happiness, melancholia, (…) and yet it changeableness is containing infinite consistency. My work is an invitation to meet with your inner waves of experience and emotions, to encounter the forms, texture and movements of my installation.